"In Unison" By Roshni Modi

In Unison

A call of divine,
At nine, is aligned.
Where souls will unite
In the glow of light
To dispel the darkness
And pray for respite.

The exotic nine,
Filled with mercies benign
Will cast a magical spell
And end the global turmoil.
The belief in divinity,
Will embrace us till eternity
The power in spirituality,
Will strengthen the humanity.
I second, with utmost sincerity.

A call of divine,
Is well defined.
A call, to vanquish all evil
A call, to defeat the devil, invisible
A call to empower us with heavenly grace
A call to bless us with health and solace.

Bathed in his glory, we will shine
And emerge enlightened, well refined.
That's the power of the Divine.

----Roshni Modi

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