As you all know that with the rapid advancement in technology and using internet everywhere, now the cases of cyber bullying is also increased. Cyber Bullying is the attack upon an individual or on group through the use of electronic means. It can take place on social media, messaging platforms, gaming platforms and mobile phones. It is repeated behaviour, aimed at scaring, angering or shaming those who are targeted.
It includes:
spreading lies about or posting embarrassing photos of someone on social media
Hacking victims accounts.
sending hurtful messages or threats via messaging platforms.
Stalking by means of calls, messages and other.
Threat of child pornography.
Posting vulgar messages, poster online or sharing someone’s private messages or picture or threatening/blackmailing to do so
impersonating someone and sending mean messages to others on their behalf.
Legal Provisions:
There is no specific statute that deals with Cyber-bullying as a crime, but some sections of The Information Technology Act, 2000; The Indian Penal Code, 1860 and The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 deals with the similar issues and can come under the wide scope of cyber-bullying.
Under the IT Act, Section 66 talks about computer related offences under which the person is held liable for a maximum term of three years or for fine up to Rs five lakh or both. Under this provision, section 66 C talks about punishment of Identity
Theft or as it is also known as impersonation, section 66 D deals with the punishment of cheating by personation by using the computer or online resources, 66 E deals with the punishment of violation of a person’s privacy, section 67 talks about Publishing or transmitting obscene material through electronic form along with section 67 A which talks about the same but also consists of sexually explicit act and lastly, section 67 B talks about the publishing of such materials depicting children in electronic form which can be excused if it is for public good and learning or is kept or used for bona fide heritage or religious purposes.
Provisions of IPC that deals with cyber-crimes are- Section 292 A, which talks about printing of indecent matter or matter for blackmail, the matter should be injurious to the morality or should be calculated to injure a person and the offender will be imprisoned for a maximum period of two years and will also be liable to fine..
Section 354 D talks about stalking or attempting to or actually contacting a woman and the offender will be liable for three years for first attempt and five years max for any subsequent attempt. Section 499 talks about defamation i.e. when a person by spoken words or signs makes or publishes something with an intent to harm the reputation of the other person, the same can be done over electronic means as well. Further, section 507 talks about criminal intimidation through any anonymous communication/means and the offender will be liable for a period of two years max.
Section 509 of IPC deals with the offenders who intend to insult the modesty of a women by words or gesture by intruding the privacy of the women and such offenders will be punished for a term of one year or fine or both.
How to Prevent Cyberbullying
There are precautions everyone can take to prevent cyberbullying. Students, teens especially should use caution when giving out their mobile phone number or email address to anybody, or other social media contact information online or offline. The victim should not reply to threatening or disturbing emails, as this will only encourage the bully. The best way is to not open any email if it from unknown user. If others in a chat or online discussion become unpleasant, leave the conversation. Make use of the privacy and security settings on social networking sites, as this will prevent bullies from seeing information they can use against their victims.
How to Report Cyberbullying
When a teen or anyone is a victim of cyberbullying, there are people they can turn to for help and for recourse against the person abusing them. First, an adolescent should tell someone they trust, whether it is a friend, parent, teacher, NGO or other person who works with youth. They should keep any emails, messages, or texts as evidence of the bullying. They can also block email addresses or specific users on certain social networks, so they do not receive any more messages from the bully. Finally, they should contact their Internet service provider, the bully's Internet service provider or host for any web pages, or the help desk of any social media networks on which the cyberbullying occurs. Harassment of others through such sites is often a violation of the terms of service of the host or provider. As a result, the bully's account or access to the site, forum, or network may be suspended. Block the person the moment you know that you are bullying by someone. There is a provision of “We Care For You” in each state so lodge the complaint online/offline with the help of parents, teacher or elder.
Parent’s Role
If a teenager reports a cyberbullying incident, it is important to remind them that it is not their fault. It could be happen to anybody, not only teenager any one can bullied so it is responsibility of parents to keep extra care when if some thing happens.
It is also important to encourage teens to be open and communicative with parents who can help look out for their best interests. If adolescents feel they can trust the
adults around them, they are more likely to seek help if they are the victims of cyberbullies.
Tell them to keep their passwords secret and never to share personal information with people they do not know or trust. Remind teenagers not to share anything via the Internet that they do not want made public.
Tell them not post their personal photograph on social media so that no one can misuse it.
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