08 Mar 2021, Guwahati, the 08th Northeast Zone Shooting Championship was conducted by Assam Rifle & Shooting Association under the aegis of the National Rifle association Of India. The Championship was conducted over a period of 05 days wef 04 Mar to 08 Mar 2021. Shooters from 08 states and newly registered Shooting Node, the Assam Rifles Marksmanship Unit (ARMU) participated in the competition. 

Assam Rifles Marksmanship Unit (Located at Diphu, Assam) recently got registered & affiliated to the National Rifle Association of India and first time participated in a professional shooting competition. The sharp shooters of the ARMU displayed outstanding performance in their debut competition. The hard work and true spirit of a champion made the ARMU shooters offset lack of preparation time and training facilities. The ARMU shooters topped the medal tally by winning a total of 27 medals to include 10 Gold, 11 Silver & 06 Bronze medals. 

The ARMU started preparing for professional competitions immediately after its affiliation with NRAI on 12 Nov 2020. The astounding performance of Sharp Shooters of the Assam Rifles in 8th NE zonal Shooting Championship shows the commitment and dedication of Assam Rifles as an organization to represent the nation in Shooting Sports Competition in near future. ARMU shooters will now participate in their first National Shooting Championship Competition scheduled in Apr 2021. Shooters of Assam Rifles are motivated to perform well in 64th NSCC and also to accomplish the Mission Olympic Gold.

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