State level ex-servicemen rally organized at Infantry School auditorium

 Directorate of Soldier Welfare, Bhopal organized state level ex-servicemen rally in collaboration with Mhow Station Headquarters on Sunday. It was organized for ex-servicemen and Veer Naris (widows of martyred soldiers) in the Infantry School auditorium, in which Major General Sanjay Sajjanhar and Collector Ilaiyaraaja T also took part. In the rally, the Veer Naris and their families along with senior serving and retired officers of the army also took part.

On this occasion, Major General Sanjay Sajjanhar said that the government is making lot of efforts for the welfare of ex-servicemen and the country can never forget the sacrifices of its soldiers. Ex-servicemen need to be aware that and should be in constant touch with their nearest military station or district soldier welfare office of their jurisdiction.

Thereafter, Major General Sajjanhar honored the Veer Naris present in the rally along with the parents and guardians of martyred soldiers by giving them shawls and quinces. He also assured them that the country will always be indebted to the sacrifice of their husbands, sons or brothers and will remember them and the entire army stands with them.

Indore District Sainik Welfare Officer (DSWO) Col Kartar Singh Sirohi (retired) expressed his gratitude to all visitors attending the rally and also assured that the DSWO has always been striving for their welfare. He asked those present in the rally that in case of any problem, the ex-servicemen or their dependents shall contact his office. 

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